Offering of short- or long-term support in crises in the form of a warm, non-judgemental listening and encouragement through difficult times.
Crisis Intervention & Management:
Support, practical and active help, referral to specialist resources and gradual restoration of normal functioning.
Educational Guidance:
This includes a wide range of psychologically informed practices like social skills, assertiveness, personal effectiveness, emotional intelligence, and others. They all aim to identify improvable behaviour and to provide personal skills in various areas of life.
Problem-solving and Decision-making:
For a certain proportion of clients, the purpose of entering counseling or therapy is to examine a life situation or dilemma and come to a resolution or decision. The aim is to facilitate exploration of issues, feelings and practicalities, addressing potential anxiety and loss.
Insight and Understanding:
Some clients have as their primary goals the investigation of causes of problematic feelings, thoughts and behaviour. They may wish to pursue the search of historical causes and the reasons for persistently counterproductive behaviour in current life situations.